19-20 Months
'Marco Polo'

▪ £59.00
▪ Free Shipping | Cancel anytime
▪ >30.000 Happy Parents

What Does Your Child from 19 to 20 Months Like to Play With?

Your baby is maturing and consolidating everything learned so far. This is the stage of great maturity of gross motor skills. If you give your baby a spoon, they know how to eat and with a pencil they imitate strokes, first vertical and later horizontal. Puzzles start to interest them, and by testing and exploring, they can assemble puzzles with two or three pieces.

At this stage, your baby will develop the following skills:

Fine Motor
Cause and

To promote these skills, we offer you a box with a series of toys for your baby to start following the various stimuli.

Your baby better interprets the position of things in space; they know if something is up or down, inside or outside, empty or full, etc. They also understand the concept of big and small. Also, your child doesn't forget which toys are theirs, even if they try to take those that belong to other children!

Some of The Toys in the
Play Box 'Marco Polo'

Motor Skills Toy

Try to fit all the shapes in their places! Brightly coloured geometric shapes need to be fitted with great skill and concentration into their corresponding bars. 

Lacing Beads

Threading is a great activity to help children develop fine motor skills, essential for being able to draw, write, do up buttons, tie shoelaces, open lunch boxes and more.

Adventure Train

Hurry Up! Everyone on the train! Your little one will have a great time building stories with these new friends - the elephant, the fox, the pig and the hedgehog. Ready for the adventure? 

Play Guide 19 to 20 months

All our Play Boxes contain a free play guide that explains in detail the educational objective of each game and how you can use it to teach your baby to discover and learn new things.

Learning for baby and parents
Made by child development experts
Free Shipping & cancel anytime
Made from Sustainable materials
Age of your Baby Play Box
0-4 months
0-4 Months Here I Am
¿Qué pasa? Caja Educativa 5-6 meses
5-6 Months
What's going on
Sonríeeee Caja Educativa 7-8 meses
7-8 Months
Toca Toca Caja Educativa 9-10 meses
 9-10 Months Let me touch
Hola Mundo Caja Educativa 11-12 meses
11-12  Months
Hello World
Genius Caja Educativa 13-14 meses
13-14 Months
Bla Bla Bla Caja Educativa 15-16 meses
15-16 Months
Bla Bla Bla
Destroyer Caja Educativa 17-18 meses
17-18 Months
Marco Polo Caja Educativa 19-20 meses
19-20 Months
Marco Polo
Pequeño Einstein  Caja Educativo 21-22 meses
21-22 Months
Little Einstein
23-24 Months
24-26 Months
27-28 Months
29-30 Months
31-32 Months
33-34 Months
35-36 Months